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Overcome Obstacles and Start Your Dream Business

By Barbara Beauregard   |    May 30, 2017   |    12:20 PM


Starting a small business begins with a dream but needs to be followed shortly by a business plan. Here's how to overcome obstacles and see your business dreams come true.

Many people have visionary ideas for a business but the difficulty is transforming that into a reality. Often the most daunting thing is starting the process. This article will give you practical advice so that you can manifest your dream into the small business you have always wanted.

Develop Your Idea

First, make sure your vision is actually viable. Write down your concept in order to see whether it is feasible. Figure out how you can make it become a reality. Is the product or service something that you can realistically design, produce or set up? Is it something people really want or need? Can you make a profit selling it? 

Write A Business Plan

The next step is to write your business plan. It will be a springboard for you to further concretize your dreams, prepare a list of things to do, determine your budget, as well as allow you to present your idea to investors and partners. It should contain your mission statement, your company summary, your executive summary, your service or product offering, as well as description of your target market, your financial projections and the cost of the operation.

Get Financing

You will need capital to start your small business. You may want to appeal to family and friends, try crowd-funding, apply for a loan, find partners, look for grants, seek out venture capitalists or enter competitions.

Get An Address

Depending on your line of business, you may require a brick and mortar address or you may find it easier to work remotely, especially since the costs of leasing a full time office space are high. You might opt instead to use a virtual office. Either way you will need an address to register your business. 

Do The Legal Work

You will need to register your small business, but before you can do that you will need to make some key decisions. You will need to provide the physical location of your business plus decide what the legal structure should be. 

Build Your Website

If you want your small business to be visible you need a website and ideally a social media presence.  There are plenty of inexpensive DIY tools like Weebly to build a site, or, if you want something more polished looking, you may choose to hire a professional. 

Hire Staff

Even though your small business is based on your dream, you won't be able to accomplish everything, so you will need to hire qualified people to complete the work. If you need administrative help, aid with social media and other tasks, you might want to hire a virtual assistant so that you don't need to hire permanent staff members and pay insurance and taxes for them. 

Market To Clients

Use social media, flyers, adverts and attend public events to make sure that potential customers are aware of your small business and its offering. 


Once you have set everything up you should launch your product or service as quickly as possible so that you don't waste time and can rapidly get feedback that can help you improve the business.

 Attract Customers

Once you land a new client, be sure to go above and beyond the call of duty for at least the first month. You’ll have this customer hooked from then on.